
IDetect - National ID Scanner (OCR)

Currently the National ID card is used as the primary identification in Bangladesh, and in every place businesses are required to collect information of the National ID card from a photocopy of the card. Right now it’s being done manually which is very time consuming and error prone. The goal of this project is to automate the process of collecting information from the National ID card.

Problem Domain & Motivations


Tools & Technologies


This project will be a great help for the businesses and the government. It will reduce the time and effort of the businesses and will reduce the error rate of the information collection. It will also help the government to collect information from the National ID card.

Getting Started

Running the project

  1. From root directory:
$ ./gradlew installDist

Running Android App

$ ./../../gradlew installDebug

This creates the scripts idetect-grpc-server, idetect-grpc-client, in the build/install/idetect/bin/ directory that run the project. Client project requires the server to be running.

$ ./build/install/idetect/bin/idetect-grpc-server

And in a different terminal window run:

$ ./build/install/idetect/bin/idetect-grpc-client